The Estate Office

Universiti Brunei Darussalam

New road linking the back of the campus

The project include widening of the road near to the water tank which then link to the back of new ICTC building, pass the PAPHRSB Institute of Health Science and straight on to the entrance road to the neighbouring Institute Teknologi Brunei. Construction work in progress.

Latest update on road - due to weak soil conditions behind the ICTC building, part of the road will not be constructed. 

Drama Production at the Lecture Theatre

All I can say it was very entertaining! The lighting crew used innovative ways to create the right ambiance to the stage.  One of the 6 new projects rolled out under the 2007-2012 National Development Plan is the Construction of a Lecture Theatre Complex and a Performance Hall.

Proceeds from the sale of tickets were donated to SMARTER Brunei. Congratulations to the crew and cast of Two Sides of a Coin!


Ground breaking ceremony for Student Centre Extension

The ground breaking ceremony for the new student centre was held on 10th November 2010. The construction of the new extension started on 17th July 2010. The expected date of completion is 16th September 2011 with a contruction period of 14 months. The projects cost just over BND2 million and is located next to the existing student centre. This is one of six projects to be rolled out under the 2007-2012 National Development Plan.

The guest of honour for the event was the Deputy Vice Chancellor, Associate Profesor Dr Zohrah Hj Sulaiman. 

Handover of the New Residential College

The new residential college complex was formally handed over by main contractor, WSS Sdn Bhd to Public Works Department and in turn to Universiti Brunei Darussalam on 3rd November 2010.


Map courtesy of Dr K Becek, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences.

The Green Project

The Green Project
"People who will not sustain trees will soon live in a world that will not sustain people." Bryce Nelson

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The Estate Office
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Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link
Gadong BE 1410
Brunei Darussalam

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